Tuesday, January 27, 2009

computer technology in 2009

December 28th, 2008 by Anil
The start of next year will be delayed by circumstances beyond everyone’s control. New Year will arrive a second late when time across the globe is adjusted to account for the changes in the Earth’s rotation.
A ‘Leap Second’ will be added onto the final minute of 2008 because the planet is gradually slowing down as it spins on its axis. The tweak will help correct the time-lag which shows up on ultra-accurate atomic clocks.
Our planet rotates on its axis at irregular rates, and on average has been falling behind atomic time at a rate of about two milliseconds per day. It now trails the official clock by about six-tenths of a second.
As a result of this difference, atomic clocks can get out of sync with the Earth and periodically have to be adjusted. Since it’s the atomic clocks that are used to set all other clocks, a Leap Second has to be added from time to time to make up the difference.
It is the 24th time since 1972 that the adjustment has been made by the Paris based International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service at intervals varying from six months to seven years. The last was in 2005.


computer ethics

The introduction of the World Wide Web in 1990 has catalyzed the expansion of the Internet, which is still growing today at unprecedented rates. The recent growth of the Internet has resulted not only in an increase in the amount of available knowledge, but in an increase in the problems inherent to its usage and distribution. It has become clear that traditional rules of conduct are not always applicable to this new medium, so new ethical codes are now being developed. Ethics, in the classical sense, refers to the rules and standards governing the conduct of an individual with others. As technology and computers became more and more a part of our everyday lives, we must understand that the problems that have always plagued business and conduct will continue to be a problem. In fact, a new medium can provide even more difficult questions of judgement. In other words, since the introduction of the World Wide Web, the definition of ethics has evolved, too. A new type of ethics known as computer ethics has emerged. Computer ethics is concerned with standards of conduct as they pertain to computers.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Hapag Ng Pag-asa

The Author of the Hapag ng pag-asa was inspired by the poor children whos is in a pitiful state. The hapag ng paqg-asa opened our eyes to the reality that there is people who needs to be helped and we did nothing to help them. While we are not contented of what we have they are content of eating once or twice a day.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Internet contribute to media by being a communication tool. It can transfer data faster for example Information, letters. By becoming a channel it become a tool of media. Internet is very powerful because it can enfluence the minds of children and children can easily acsses it.

Mediatization of the Youth

Speaker Rev. Fr. Christian Buenafe, O'carm

Mediatization of the Youth

The speaker said that we are in the multimedia age it evolved from spoken word to printed word to our present broadcast and electronic age. Media is a channel trough which the message is transmitted. Media from means became aperspective, ideology, lifestyle or a way of life.There are 5 forms of Media the Print, Broadcast, Electronic, Group/Visual, and Traditional/folk Media. Media is the most powerful catalyst for modernization of the youth's culture. Media is a man made force that can influence people. It shapes the ladscape of the children minds.